Cette mutation génétique, qui peut être due à un accident ou à un alcaloïde dénommé colchicine , crée de très grandes têtes et feuilles qui offrent un véritable spectacle visuel pour les amateurs du cannabis. Avoir des plantes de ce type chez soi est le fruit du hasard car, malgré l’utilisation de la colchicine , les résultats ne sont pas toujours ceux escomptés. The end result is a doubling or more of the chromosome set. This treatment can be beneficial to cannabis because it enforces many properties such as higher production of thc and resistance to disease.
On the other han if 0viable treated seeds give rise to seedlings, the chances are better that they are polyploid since the treatment killed all of the seeds but those three. In other words, if 1viable seeds are treated with colchicine and of them germinate it is unlikely that the treatment induced polyploidy in any of the survivors. Bagheri M(1), Mansouri H. Author information: (1)Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran. I take colchicine for Behçet’s Disease at 0. This therapeutic dose has the capability of killing people who don’t require everything but platelets removed from their blood stream. Buddha Seeds claims tetraploid pot plants are bigger and more beastly than their.
By soaking the growth tips of young plants in colchicine , the plant matures and grows with tetraploid cells. Une diminution de la dose ou une. En cas de diarrhées, prenez rapidement contact avec votre médecin. Dernière modification par world-of-ganja le déc. Comment rendre son cannabis plus fort avec la colchicine Message non lu par world-of-ganja déc.

In addition to its acute toxicity, it also causes chromosomal defects. It is acutely toxic and has been responsible for many accidental poisonings by people or pets consuming the “autumn crocus” (Colchicum sp.) that are sometimes used in gardens. On peut sentir son action en quelques heures.
En prenant quelques milligrammes de colchicine en plus, on peut déjà s’intoxiquer. MG, COMPRIME Description. La colchicine est surtout toxique pour le système gastro-intestinal.
The use of colchicine to make hybrids is well documented in Carnivorous Plant Newsletter ( PDF ). Unfortunately, colchicine is very toxic and hazardous to handle. Its side effects (primarily gastrointestinal upset) limit its usage. This mutation creates a slightly different kind. Colchicine is an alternative for those unable to tolerate NSAIDs. Regular plants have two leaves that grow from each internode.
Whorled phyllotaxy plants have three leaves instead. Plants with a whorled phyllotaxy tend to be extra bushy. That sai the trait is not useful to breeders as it can lead to greater yields, but will disappear once attempted to be bred and replicated. Gastrointestinal upset, however, depends on the dose, and the risk can be decreased by using smaller yet still effective doses. Cannabis plants have a great deal of natural geometry.
Un high initial peut très soudainement se transformer en nausées, vomissements et céphalée, ce qui peut paraître fort angoissant. CASE REPORT Two familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) patients, both homozygous for M694V mutation and resistant to colchicine treatment, were treated with medical cannabis. Prior to that, patient was denied biologic treatment and the other had no significant response to anakinra. Under medical cannabis treatment, both patients had remarkable. There is no literature available that I am aware of that describes work done with this chemical on cannabis.
Bonjour, après une crise de goutte, traitement à la colchicine oblige. Puis mois plus tar une seconde, et puis une troisième. Dès consommation de vin blanc, champagne ou bière (Quelques verres, pas des litres), le gros orteil me lancinait. NB : La prise de sang réalisée confirme pour moi un problème rénal et acide urique entre autre. If you are or older, use this medicine ( colchicine tablets) with care.

You could have more side effects. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan on getting pregnant, or are breast-feeding. You will need to talk about the benefits and risks to you and the baby.
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