vendredi 22 mars 2019

Bayer pharma

Crop Science en France. At Pharmaceuticals , our largest segment in terms of sales, we focus on researching, developing and marketing specialty-focused innovative medicines that provide significant clinical benefit and value, primarily in the therapeutic areas of cardiology, oncology, gynecology, hematology and ophthalmology. Find many products in our product list. With our innovative products, we help to make life better.

En tant qu’acteur de santé à part entière, nous travaillons aussi aux côtés des professionnels pour améliorer la prise en charge, le soin et la qualité de vie des patients. Découvrir le site en vidéo. Our commitment is evident through support of numerous social responsibility programmes, often in partnership with other organisations. SUBMIT YOUR TECHNOLOGY OFFER OR PROJECT IDEA. The focus is on therapeutic areas with a high medical nee where more innovations are needed despite considerable progress.

Fort de ses 1ans d’expérience, elle propose des services différents : fatigue, carences, brûlures d’estomac, douleurs, fièvre, contraception, problèmes cutanés … mais aussi des produits pour les animaux. Bayer Australia. Medications listed here may also be marketed under different names in different countries. Non-US country and region specific information is not available on this page.

En tant que médecin, vous avez besoin d’informations correctes et mises à jour. Afin de continuer à vous informer, nous avons besoin de votre autorisation. Nous développons de nouvelles molécules qui seront utilisées dans des solutions et produits innovants qui visent à améliorer la santé des personnes, des animaux et des plantes. The Pharmaceuticals Division focuses on prescription products, especially for women’s healthcare and cardiology, and also on specialty therapeutics in the areas of oncology, haematology and ophthalmology. The division also comprises the Radiology Business Unit which markets contrast-enhanced diagnostic imaging equipment together with the necessary contrast agents.

We contribute to the health of people, plants and animals and are committed to improving lives through innovation. Top news (Puteaux) Voir plus de documents de ce genre. Patients and Drugs This website provides you with some useful information on the benefits and risks. Do you have any queries or comments about our website, our products or any of our services?

Our scientific successes are intended to help improve people’s lives. The Grants4Targets crowdsourcing initiative in health offers you financial support to validate your pharmaceutical target and help test your hypothesis. Consumer Health Only the Best for Mom and Baby. Pregnancy is an exciting time, but also a time when expectant parents have a lot to think about.

BAYER PHARMA Présentation du laboratoire, produit et contact. Pharmaceuticals développe, fabrique et vend entre autres des contraceptifs, des médicaments contre les maladies cardiovasculaires et des médicaments pour la prévention et le traitement de thromboembolies, ainsi que différents traitements contre plusieurs. We are addressing some of the most urgent global challenges by constantly developing new solutions. The global population is steadily growing and aging so it requires better medicines and a sufficient quantity of high-quality food.

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The Cardiovascular and nephrology segments offer diverse medications for dyslipidemia and other cardiovascular and renal diseases, including an oral anticoagulant for preventing stroke in atrial fibrillation, a. Therapeutic treatments, devices.

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