lundi 18 mars 2019

Genie wiley

The case name is Genie. To language scientists, Wiley was a blank slate, a way to understand what part language has in our development and vice versa. A girl who spent her entire childhood locked in the bedroom.

Her circumstances are prominently recorded in the annals of linguistics and abnormal child psychology. Die Umstände, wie es dazu kam, sowie ihre psycholinguistische Entwicklung sind in den Annalen der Linguistik und der abnormen Kinderpsychologie. She had been a victim of severe abuse, neglect, and isolation since her birth.

Su caso fue estudiado por muchos de los psicólogos, lingüistas y científicos más relevantes de la época, ya que en el momento en que se la encontró la joven sufría severos retrasos en el desarrollo y no había aprendido a hablar. Her real name is Susan Wiley. Her mother was almost entirely blind by this time, and around the time of her birth her father began to isolate himself and his family from other people.

Ihr wohl geistig gestörter Vater Clark Wiley isolierte seine kleine Tochter ab ihrem zwanzigsten Lebensmonat von ihrer Umgebung, indem er sie in ihrem abgedunkelten Zimmer in eine Zwangsjacke steckte. She had no language skills and couldn’t even walk as no one had ever taught her. When she was rescue researchers pounced. She’s fascinating but the cruelty of her parents.

Wiley hated noise, any kind of buzz irritated him. Another thing that he hated more than noise were certainly children. And yet, he had several, although not all survived the cruelness of the life they were exposed to.

Two died and two survived. NOVA follows the contentious attempts to unbolt the secret of the wild child who has reached near maturity in an agonizing seclusion with almost no human contact. Genie was born to deranged parents. She was only months old when her father Clark Wiley who, thinking she was mentally disable locked her up in one of the family’s bedrooms. She also had Rh poisoning but had a blood transfusion.

A woman, Dorothy Irene Wiley , had suffered cataracts in both eyes for several years and as a result stumbled blindly into the wrong office. In one han a walking stick to guide her through the city. In the other, she held the hand of her 13-year-old daughter, Susan. For child development researchers she presented an opportunity for a very special, albeit incidental, case study upon language development. Los Angelesin esikaupungista Arcadiasta löydetty lapsi, joka oli elänyt eristyksessä kymmenen vuotta.

Hänen äitinsä oli puolisokea ja. Zij was geen wolfskind dat in de natuur leefde en door dieren werd opgevoe maar een kind dat in volstrekte isolatie opgroeide als gevolg van een bizarre vorm van kindermishandeling. Die Eltern sperrten sie ein, ihre ganze Kindheit lang. Auch nach ihrer Befreiung blieb sie Opfer: Sie wurde zum Forschungsobjekt von.

Kora Lea vous raconte cette histoire très délicate. Over years, cases have been reported on feral children who are brought up in social isolation. This gives them no or little chance to interact with other human. Few feral cases have managed to capture public and scientific attention.

He locked her in a dark room and put her in a straitjacket when she was just two years old! Read the article below and watch the video to discover her shocking life story! Abuse can take many forms.

They are the Jinn that most modern day understandings of genies are based off of and have the ability to shift form.

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